
Friday, July 26, 2013

How to access blocked websites using their IP address for linux

This post is about ubuntu for windows click here.

          Normally, we type the domain name of the website we are desiring. The browser then sends a DNS look up Query to the local DNS server. DNS server converts this domain name to its respective IP address. Now the browser sends  an HTTP request to the IP address asking for the webpage that you wish to view. That is how a website is displayed on your computer.
          These DNS servers are controlled by the college administration or by the company. So they could have a filtering mechanism to any domain name for ex. say and send back user the ACCESS DENIED error message.
           There is a very simple way to fool this mechanism. Instead of typing the Domain name of your favourite and blocked website, just type its repective IP address. If you do not type any domain name, then there will be no DNS look up query is sent to the DNS server. And you can access your desired website. for this process here are the steps:-

Step 1-

let us suppose that you want to access the Open the terminal. to open it press the "alt+ctrl+t" keys. it will open a terminal window looking like this...

Step 2-

 Type the command:-
 It will resolve its Domain name into its IP address. look like this...

 This command gives you the IP address of, which is ( If you are unable to do this ping command because of some system administrators also blocks the ping command, so what now, just go the website:-
this website allows you to do the ping task online. as shown in figure:-
Now you can see both the IP address are different ( on my machine and on this difference is because facebook has many servers in different areas of the world. Since is located in europe and you are in different country so the IP addresses are different, but don't worry both will open the same webpage.

Step 3-

Now instead of typing the domain name in your browser, just type this IP address and it will open the same website as shown in this picture;-

If a system administrator also blocked the respective IP address of IP address which you sees are in dotted decimal formats. Now you can try to convert this decimal format into octal format or hexadecimal format, which will also work.
     It must be noted that in octal formats you have to precede each octal number with a 0 to tell the browser that the address is in octal formats. for hexa decimal format, you have to type 0x. for example:-

decimal format-
octal format-037.015.0110.041
hexa decimal format-0x1F.0xd.0x48.0x21

For this conversion you can use a scientific calculators. These all links will take you to the same

If you still be unable to access your desired websites try these links also:

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