
Saturday, July 27, 2013

BIOS password removal

hi guys..
Some times You want to hack someone's computer but first step is how to hack BIOS (Basic Input Output System) password. If the system you want to access has BIOS password enabled on it, then this is the first problem you will face before accessing the machine. When you turn on the machine you will come to a window looking like this...

This is known as the BIOS password. If You see this setup, then I have a very bad news for you. THERE IS NOT A SIMPLE SOFTWARE SOLUTION TO OVERCOME IT. But IT HAS A PERMANENT HARDWARE SOLUTION.
   According to me, You must try following tricks, before you go for a permanent hardware solution.

Trick 1-

Try pressing the ESC key around 200 times. It may over flow the password checking system, And you can get access of the machine.

Trick 2-

NOTE: Do not try to guess the password on a passworded Hard Drive. 3 wrong guesses will often result in the information on the hard drive being lost forever.
   Try some password guessing, with the list given below- 

  • qwerty
  • password
  • passwd
  • 12345
  • VOBIS and IBM – merlin
  • Dell – Dell
  • Biostar – Biostar
  • Compaq – Compaq
  • Enox – xo11nE
  • Epox – central
  • Freetech – Posterie
  • IWill – iwill
  • Jetway – spooml
  • Packard Bell – bell9
  • QDI – QDI
  • Siemens – SKY_FOX
  • SOYO – SY_MB
  • TMC – BIGO
  • Toshiba – Toshiba
  • BIOS

Hardware trick-

If you are still be unable to access the machine, then here is the permanent solution to this password.
This trick works in both a Desktop and a Laptop. 

When you turn off your computer, and turn it ON after some time it still gives you the accurate time. CMOS is the battery which gives power to the computer when it is OFF. With the help of this power a computer remembers the BIOS settings also. If you remove this battery, then the machine you want to access will forget the BIOS settings and it will not ask you the password next time start it.

Step 1-

Open up the machine to the motherboard level. Where you can see a CMOS battery, which will look like this...

Step 2-

Remove it carefully. Now near this battery, there is a 3 pin IC called JUMPER. You also have to remove it. This jumper IC makes the power backup for some time. It looks like this....

Step 3- 

Once you remove it, wait for 20 to 30 minutes. Actually when you removes CMOS and JUMPER both, computer still gets the power from the charged capacitors. These capacitors are not so large to store a large amount of charge. So in 20 to 30 minutes you  get your BIOS password removed from the machine.

Step 4-

Now reconnect the CMOS and JUMPER. Sometimes after assembling the machine gives an error message. Just ignore that warning And you are done with it.

Try these links also:

1 comment:

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