
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Unblocking Download limits with "MAC Spoofing"

Unblocking Download limits with "MAC Spoofing" or changing the MAC address.

Each network interface(like Wireless card, Ethernet card) on every computer on the internet has a unique MAC address. MAC stands for "Media Acess Control". Companies and colleges may have a policy on how much data each user can download from internet in a specific time. Such download limit are forced by recording the MAC address of all the users and then keeping track of the amount of data downloaded by  the users. If any MAC address reaches the download limit, then his internet access is taken away.
To get the internet access again, you have change your MAC address. Changing the MAC address is called "MAC Spoofing". Follow these steps to get internet access through MAC Spoofing...

STEP 1:-

First check your System's MAC Address. It is possible to view the MAC Address by going to the "MS DOS" prompt and typing the command:-
getmac -v

STEP 2:-

For MAC Spoofing you have to use a software named "Mac Makeup" ver. 1.95d. To download it click hereIt will open a webpage like this..

now click download.

STEP 3:-

It will take you to a webpage where 3 downloading mirrors are available. Choose for yourself. you can choose any of them...

STEP 4:-

After downloading, Run the software. But it would not run simply. It will give you a error code like this...

Now click ok.

STEP 5:-

Now right click the application and click on "Run as administrator" like this...

STEP 6:-

Now it will run and look like this...

here you can see the empty "new address bar".

STEP 7:-

All you need to do is to enter the new MAC address and then click "change button". you can also choose "generate ramdom" for new address.

STEP 8:-

It will take around 30 seconds to change the MAC address. Now again check the MAC address by command "getmac -v" in "MS dos" prompt. It will look like this...

Sometimes, administrators have no restrictions on the amount of data download. This means that if you are able to spoof your MAC address and pretend to be one of the administrator then you may be able to get unlimited downloads on your system as well!!

To get the Internet access you need the valid MAC address on the same network. It is quite easy to find out some other user's MAC address by simply running "DATA SNIFFER" on your system to sniff data packets being sent across the network.

If all goes well you will be able to get the internet access again and till you want. If you have any queries please ask it into comments.

Thank you

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